From Zero to Hero: How Biology Tuition Can Help You Ace Your Exams

Biology is a fascinating subject that teaches us so much about the world we live in, from the smallest cells to the largest ecosystems. But biology exams can be quite difficult to ace. With so much information and concepts to learn, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. But, there’s a solution that canContinue reading “From Zero to Hero: How Biology Tuition Can Help You Ace Your Exams”

The Elements of Life: A Fun and Interactive Guide to Chemistry

Chemistry is often considered a challenging and complicated subject, but it is a crucial one that helps us understand the world around us better. Everything we see, touch and experience is made up of matter, and this subject explains the properties and behaviour of this matter. From the water we drink to the air weContinue reading “The Elements of Life: A Fun and Interactive Guide to Chemistry”

Building a Strong Foundation: How to Prepare for A Level Chemistry in Singapore

The world of science is fascinating and chemistry is one of the fundamental branches that form the foundation of modern science. However, mastering this subject can be quite challenging, especially when it comes to A-Levels. This rigorous and demanding course covers a wide range of topics, including atomic structure, chemical bonding, organic chemistry, and physicalContinue reading “Building a Strong Foundation: How to Prepare for A Level Chemistry in Singapore”

The Applications Of Math In Video Games

Playing video games is a popular hobby among many teenagers and young adults in Singapore, as demonstrated by a survey conducted in 2020. The majority of the respondents who answered yes to playing online games were aged between 16 to 24 years old. As this interactive entertainment continues to capture the hearts and minds ofContinue reading “The Applications Of Math In Video Games”

3 Key Myths of Learning Biology

Everyone has their favourite subject that they excel at in school. However, if you were to ask each student the subject they are most interested in, it will likely be rare for you to encounter someone that mentions biology.  In fact, it is common to find many students expressing apathy for the subject. When quizzedContinue reading “3 Key Myths of Learning Biology”

A Brief Guide To Choosing Between H1 and H2 Subjects

What is the difference between H1 and H2? The key difference between H1 and H2 subjects is their depth and scope of content. H1 subjects provide foundational knowledge and skills, covering lesser content and consequently a reduced workload. H2 subjects cover significantly more content with greater academic requirements, and are meant to build knowledge andContinue reading “A Brief Guide To Choosing Between H1 and H2 Subjects”

5 Benefits Of Building Up A Strong Foundation In Science

1. They hone critical thinking skills. Critical thinking forms the heart of science, incorporating logic and rational thinking in the form of experiments, testing hypotheses, and scientific reasoning. But beyond learning critical thinking to be a good scientist or acing the exams, critical thinking skills are invaluable in daily life, be it self-reflection, time management,Continue reading “5 Benefits Of Building Up A Strong Foundation In Science”

How Organic Chemistry Has Led To the Creation of Vaccines

What is organic chemistry? Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the structure, properties, composition, and reactions of organic compounds which incorporate carbon, the building block of life. Carbon has the unique ability to form covalent bonds with itself and other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, giving rise to a vastContinue reading “How Organic Chemistry Has Led To the Creation of Vaccines”

Understanding Human Biology And COVID-19 Vaccinations

How do COVID-19 vaccines work? Vaccines are treatments that are designed to help our immune systems fight off specific germs that cause diseases. They generally contain weakened or inactive parts of a pathogen known as antigens, and are designed to trigger an immune response within the body. This allows our bodies to be prepared andContinue reading “Understanding Human Biology And COVID-19 Vaccinations”

Helping Your Child Stay Focused On Studying Math At Home

With the current measures of social distancing and staying at home, students find themselves studying at home more frequently compared to in school or with their friends. Here are some tips to help your child stay focused and study effectively at home as they practice for their JC or O Level exams, supplemented with helpContinue reading “Helping Your Child Stay Focused On Studying Math At Home”